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Reduce Heat Loss Through Your Windows This Winter Simply By Using Your Curtains Effectively

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With winter fast approaching, your thoughts may be turning to ways to keep your home snug during the colder months. Insulation for the roof, floors, and ceilings of your home are fairly commonplace these days, but an area that is often neglected is the windows to the home. Up to 30% of the heat loss from your home is caused by windows that aren't effectively insulated.

There are many products available that will provide insulation for your windows, including double glazing and reflective films. However, these can be expensive to purchase and have installed. The good news is that you can significantly reduce the heat loss via your windows with the effective use of curtains.

Install a pelmet

One of the reasons for heat loss via windows is that as the warm air in the room rises it meets the cool glass of your windows. This results in the heat being drawn from the room. Installing a pelmet over the top of the curtain rail will prevent this from happening.

Pelmets are like caps for your curtains and are generally made from timber. They fix onto the wall just above the curtain rail and completely enclose the top of the curtain. These can be painted to suit your curtain fabric and décor, or you can even cover them with the same fabric used on your curtains to help them blend in.

Make sure curtains are long enough

Another way that ineffective use of curtains increases heat loss is by allowing the air that is cooled from exposure to cold glass to be sucked into a warm room underneath the base of your curtains. The easy way to prevent this is to ensure that curtains are long enough to lie snugly against the floor without a gap.

If you're buying new curtains, ensure that your curtain manufacturer and installer knows that you would like the extra length, as many do not automatically make them like this. If you already have curtains and wish to give them extra length, then a simple hem of complementary fabric sewn on to the end is a simple and inexpensive way to make them long enough.

Use layering

Keeping yourself warm in winter usually works best when you combine multiple layers of clothing. The same is true for your windows, with two or more layers of curtains providing the best insulation properties.

Layering works in the same way as double glazing, by creating pockets of air between the layers which act as a barrier between your warm room and the cold glass. You can use a foam-covered, thermal curtain as one layer, but if you already have un-insulated curtains, then a simple lining attached to the back as well as a separate sheer curtain will work just as effectively.

By using your existing or new curtains effectively, your house will stay much cosier during the cold, winter months. As an added bonus, the reduction in heat loss will also mean that your heating costs will be significantly reduced.
