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Bed Options for Toddlers Transitioning From Co-Sleeping

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An increasing number of parents are moving to co-sleeping options for ease of breastfeeding schedules or to simply make their infant feel more secure during the night. One of the downsides to co-sleeping arrangements comes when the baby hits their toddler years and it's time to transition them into their own bed for naptime and bedtimes. This can be a difficult time, especially if the child doesn't feel comfortable in their own bedroom surroundings. If you are going through this transition, there are a few bed and mattress options you may way to consider. 

Larger Mattresses

One option that many parents consider is using a larger mattress for their children than the standard youth bed. The reason is because most toddlers who have been co-sleeping with their parents are used to a larger sleeping area. By putting them into a smaller youth bed, they may not feel they have enough space to move around or that they are being punished in some way. Instead, go for a twin size bed that gives them more room and allows you to lay down with them and ease them into sleep. They will still have you there at the start of their sleep and they will have room to move around comfortably throughout the night as they grow used to their new bed. For further assistance, contact a local outlet, such as

Avoid Rails

One of the first things that many parents do when they begin the transition for their co-sleeping child is to put them in a bed with rails. If the baby has never been in a bed like this or has transitioned to sleeping with no rails on their parents bed, then it could cause feelings of being trapped or caged. Instead, opt for a bedding set that sits lower to the floor or one that is on the floor. This will keep them safe if they happen to roll off the bed and will allow the freedom from feeling constrained by rails.

Cradling Mattresses

One option to consider is buying a mattress that offers a cradling aspect, like memory foam. This type of bed conforms to the child's body safely during the night without the chance of suffocation.  It also will retain its shape after the child is up for the day. This kind of bed may be the ideal option if your child likes the feeling of being held, hugged, or cradled at night and it can give them a sense of security is they sleep.

These are just a few of the bedding options available to you to help with the co-sleeping transitional period. You may also want to consider other bedding styles like character beds of their favourite television show or fantasy themed beds like pirate or castle bed and mattress sets. 
