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Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Lawn Mower at Optimum Condition

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One of the most overlooked garden appliances is the lawn mower. As long as it is performing its job, most homeowners will not be concerned about it and will be negligent when it comes to maintaining it. However, this negligence is what leads to a host of lawn mower problems that could have easily been avoided if you were caring for your machine appropriately. Here are some handy maintenance tips to keep your lawn mower at optimum condition.

Change the air filter

The type of work that the lawn mower is designed to do exposes it to an array of debris, sediments and other materials that could easily clog its internal workings. As such, the filter is quite important in ensuring that the carburetor and other essential parts such as the engine are kept free from these substances. However, if the filters are clogged, then they will not be able to function as a protective layer for these components. This now puts your mower at risk of developing problems due to sediment getting through to the engine or the carburetor. It is best to either clean or replace the filters on a regular basis if you would like to keep your lawn mower working as well as possible.

Change the oil 

The oil that your lawn mower runs on can have a great effect on the longevity of the machine as well as its efficiency. Fresh oil is typically a gold or an amber colour. This is the best oil to use for your lawn mower. Over time, this oil will start to become stale and will turn a dark colour. This dark oil is more susceptible to clogging the inner workings of your lawn mower and will decrease the overall efficiency of the engine. If you do not change the oil on a regular basis, you will end up decreasing the longevity of your mower.

Check the tyre pressure

Ensuring that your lawn mower has the right tyre pressure is especially important if it is running on pneumatic tyres. In the event that the tyre pressure is not consistent and each individual tyre has a different reading, it makes it difficult for the mower to cut the grass evenly because the blade is not level, and this can affect its efficiency.

Inspect the blade

If your lawn mower's blade has been compromised, it will be working harder to complete the tasks at hand. This means it is more likely to malfunction before its time due to the increased workload. It is pertinent to inspect the blade for any wear and tear, dents and other malformations. Then you can decide whether the anomalies can be fixed or if you would require a new blade altogether. If this is the case, or if you need any other repair parts for your mower, contact a company like Cox Mowers.
