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Need Ready Made Curtains? Here's What To Consider When Buying

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If you are in a hurry to get curtains, or have no need for custom made curtains, ready made curtains are the next best thing. These are sold ready to ship and come in different sizes to fit most windows. As you go through the purchase process, there are several considerations you will need to make in order to ensure that you end up with the right products for your window dressing. These are:


Choose a size that will fit your windows as best as possible. Although ready made curtains are not made to fit an exact size, you will have the option to select between 3-4 dimensions, i.e. both the height and the width. If you're looking for long drapes that stretch to the ground, look for 'drop curtains'. If you cannot find a curtain size that best fits your windows, go for a close larger size. It's better to end up with a larger as opposed to a smaller size.


The thickness of your curtains plays a big role in their efficiency. There are three options when it comes to curtain thickness, from light sheers to heavy blackouts and medium duty. Light curtains allow air and light to filter out while blackout designs do not. Heavier curtains are also better at conserving energy by preventing heat escape or penetration. If you need both main and sheer curtains, you can get one of each to regulate light and privacy around your windows.

Colour & print

Ready made curtains are available in many looks, from plain colours to patterns and prints. To accessorise your room, go with curtains that match the decor of your rooms. An easy way to do this is to try to match your walls, floors and ceilings. It helps if you have already created a colour theme of several colour palettes in your indoor decor.


Fabric is not a priority consideration when choosing your ready made curtains. What matters most is that the stitch work is done well. However, it doesn't hurt to know what materials you're getting. Common curtain materials include cotton, polyester, and silk. Other materials include lace and linen. Each fabric affects the cost, maintenance and ease of cleaning.

Hanging style

How do you want your curtains to hang? The options are many as well. You have the traditional pleats or tap tops and the contemporary eyelets (rods) or rod pockets. Choose hanging design that fits with your window installation to avoid having to make new additions to your walls. Remember you can also order curtains to work with new concepts such as the EVO curtain hanging system.

In addition to the above, do not forget to incorporate a few extras for your curtains. Common picks include tie-backs, curtain rods, pelmets and sliders.
