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4 Features to Discuss With Your Builder When Planning a New Home

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Having a new home built means being able to incorporate all the features you want in a home, very often at a price that is cheaper than having these features added to a home that's already built. Since a homebuilder needs to install the wiring and plumbing for a new home, they may be able to incorporate many added features very easily and very affordably. Note a few of those that you may want to discuss with your new home builder when creating the plans for your home.

1. Upgraded security systems

Why settle for a standard alarm when you can upgrade your security system very easily and keep your home and your family safer than ever before? A security system may include remote access so you can view security cameras when on the road, or even answer the doorbell through your smartphone. Interior motion detectors and air quality control alarms can also be good features to add to your new home.

2. Fireplaces

Fireplaces today are easier than ever to install, as you don't need to opt for a traditional wood-burning or propane fireplace. You can have your builder easily install an electric fireplace that creates a glow with certain forms of glass or pebbles and which create no fumes or emissions. These can be put in a wall virtually anywhere, from the bathroom to the dining room, and they create a very warm yet safe environment.

3. Panic rooms

A panic room is a safe spot in the home where residents can hide during a break-in or other emergency. These rooms can be very basic and no larger than a walk-in closet, and they may include only the features you choose, such as access to an alarm system and a fire-resistant security door.

4. First-floor or second-floor laundry

Why haul heavy laundry baskets up and down the basement steps every time you need to wash your clothes and linens? A homebuilder can typically run plumbing pipes to the first floor or even the second floor so that you can keep the washer and dryer close to the bedrooms, alleviating you of the need to carry anything up and down stairs. A stackable set of machines can also allow you to easily fit your laundry space in a hall closet, right off the kitchen, or even in the bathroom, if the home you're building doesn't have a large footprint with much extra space. This can make laundry much easier on everyone in the home.
